
Role: Trustee

We need people with skills in guiding and managing an organisation to fullfil Trustee roles within the Stop Road Kill charity.

As a Trustee you will be involved in setting the charity's vision and objectives. You will also be involved in ensuring the charity has the required capabilities to achieve its objectives and that it is operating in a safe and compliant manner.

You can learn more about the Trustee role and associated responsibilities at the Charity Commission's website (click here).

TrusteElearning.org has also converted the Charity Commission's requirements into a training pack. You would be required to complete this training before taking up a role as Trustee of the Stop Road Kill charity. You can review this pack at the TrusteElearning website (click here).

If you are interested in this role, or any other of the volunteer roles, please complete our contact form ... (click here).

© OSAWO 2012 - 2013